The Master Planner

“I have come to find, by reading God’s word that He is the Master Planner, and that He desires to be intimately involved in the plans of our lives.”

Clarity Is A Bi-Product Of Seeking God’s Guidance

It’s my honor and privilege to have the blessing of working with you. Before getting started, permit me a moment to share something with you. It’s very important to me that you know that I’m not perfect, nor do I have perfect habits. I’m not on a mountaintop, nor am I coming down from a mountain to deliver this message to you. If you could see me right now you would notice that I am not holding tablets in my hands. However, here’s exactly where I am, I’m right in the same valley you’re in, and I’m fighting the same battle for balance and significance that you’re fighting.

The fact of the matter is that I never set out to write this book. Truth be told it sort of wrote itself over the course of the last 30 years of my life. I just paid attention and kept asking “why” all along the way.

When you work with enough people, ask the same questions, and see the same patterns, habits and routines unfolding time and time again. You don’t have to be smart to notice these patterns. And I did notice patterns; many of them in fact. Some of which were the same patterns that I had seen play out in my own life.

As one that loves to fit everything into neat little quadrants, I developed and tested a four-part process that included our personal, business, financial and relational lives. And I personally tried to master those four areas. However, it wasn’t until I was 27 years old, on January 4, 1991, that I realize by God’s grace, that I had left out a fifth area of my life, the one that brought meaning to other four areas, the spiritual area without which I was on the fast track to and end of the road with regrets. (see Figure 1.1)

God revealed to me clearly, unequivocally, and undeniably that ending my life with the proverbial “regrets” was simply not an option He desired for me to choose. That’s what Habitology® for Men is all about. It’s about choosing to begin each day with the ultimate end of the road in mind; I refer to it as living from eternity backwards. Walking up each day with the Purpose and Passion to live out the Mission God has revealed to me through His Vision. (See Figure 1.2)

Not quite sure what God’s Vision is for you yet? No worries. That’s fairly common. Here’s my recommendation; keep asking Him. And until then, just be as obedient as you can. He’ll clarify the Vision soon enough. (See Figure 1.3)


When we seek God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength; when we ask Him (who by the way is the one that hung the starts in the sky, the maker and creator of all), when we ask Him for guidance and direction, for clarity, for discernment, He answers by giving us a clear Vision, by providing us with our unique Purpose, and offers us a Mission - one chosen specially just for us. Clarity is a bi-product of God’s Guidance.


Throughout this program we will uncover God’s foundational principles for living a life of purpose, developing habits and disciplines that bring Him honor, and bring us balance – balance so that we can do one thing, one thing the adversary despises most – and that is to bear fruit, fruit that lasts. (John 15:8) And it all begins with planning our goals for the upcoming year.

I have come to find, by reading God’s word that He is the Master Planner, and that He desires to be intimately involved in the plans of our lives. Who better to seek council from for planning our future then the only One that knows what that future holds?

“Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed.”
Proverbs 16:3

“Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”
Proverbs 19:21

“Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.”
Proverbs 15:22

And my personal favorite as it relates to planning;

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11

OUR PURPOSE (see Figure 1.4)
Gentlemen, the purpose and passion behind Habitology® is simply this:

“To encourage men, myself included, to be all we were created to be by utilizing (1) God’s foundational principles for the specific purpose of developing (2) disciplines and (3) habits that brings Him honor and glory, and brings men, both you and I, balance and significance (4); and most importantly bears fruit, fruit that lasts in the lives of others.”

Thank you for the privilege of joining me on this journey.

May God richly bless you,

Frank A. Corbo
Habitology® for Men

PS: Oh, by the way, His plan, well can’t wait to hear what He has in store for you...

“Now to he who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory.”
Ephesians 3:20-21


Life Balanced. God’s Way.


As the father of three daughters and the brother of three older sisters, Frank has been surrounded by women his whole life.

“Growing up with his three older sisters five years apart was certainly an adventure.” From being the original Make-Up Barbie Doll®, to the nightmare of the dreaded price check on feminine hygiene, Frank has been through it all.

Frank and his wife and best friend Wynnie met while working Milan, Italy, and have been married for over 25 years. They have three beautiful daughters, Mikayla, Tori, and Nicole.

When he’s not fighting for his corner of the bathroom vanity, through curling irons, blow dryers, make-up, and hair spray, Frank develops strategic growth plans for healthcare businesses.


“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”
Proverbs 27:17

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